Woman's Day Sale

Разпродажба за деня на жената

March is here, the first month of spring. Women's Day is also celebrated in this month full of vitality and life. 🌼🌸

Find the best Women's Day gift ideas here. We have products made from natural and recycled materials, eco-friendly and in friendship with nature, whether it's a paper set, a cork vase, cute coasters, or even creative hobby kits, kitchen textiles, clothes.

Take your pick! Surprise yourself! Until 8 March, we're giving you 8% discount on our products!

Do not forget, we offer you to plant a tree at every product sold, and you have an option to make the order CO2 free, with a little amount, which goes to projects around the world to make a change! Be part of it!
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Cork coaster sets in gift box